The Power of I AM

The Incredible Power of I AM

I AM are the two most powerful words of personal creation in life. I Am is a collection of beliefs that demonstrates who we believe ourselves to be, and all our actions are based on our beliefs.

Who we are and how we define ourselves is shown to the world in every thought,  word, action, and feeling we express and reflects how we experience life. What we believe about ourselves form the foundation of our life story.

While our story may reflect how we see ourselves it is only part of the truth of our whole being. We focus on reality based on what we can see, hear, touch, taste and feel. This limits our life experience by denying the vast world of the unseen. Imagine being on a trip, for most of the journey we cannot see our destination, but if we use a reliable map we know we are going in the right direction. And when our current experience shows that we are off course we adjust our direction and eventually arrive at our destination. But for more than 99 percent of our journey we cannot see our final destination.

Life is like that. When we know where we want to go, we use sensory input along the way to adjust our course, based on the outcome of our choices.

Life in each moment is full of possibilities and we choose the reality we experience based on our own individual choices and have done so from the birth of consciousness. The ability to choose is the action tool of creation and builds the very foundation of our life experiences.

We are all Magnificent unless we create the illusion that we are not.

Imagine you are taking part in a race against 200-500 million other people. In this race except in very rate cases there is only one prize, first. Each human being alive today beat those odds and won the race to become the person they are. We are all winners regardless of how we may think of ourselves.

To not see our magnificence is to create the illusion that we are not the creator of our lives. We create illusions to show us what we are not, so we can be guided to what we are. Magnificent beings with the ability to create whatever we can imagine.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einsten

Imagination is the tool we can use to lift the veils of illusion and guide ourselves to experiencing the magnificence of who we are. We may ‘know’ who we are, but can imagine who we would like to be.

Divine beings creating life through the power of I AM.






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