Who’s in power?

We live in a world seemingly run amok. Throughout history governments and police treat the public as pawns in a game controlled by the rich and powerful.
Government for the people and by the people is only true if corporations are considered people. In the west, corporations have been granted rights as people while having laws passed that exonerate them from wrongdoing. In other words, they can commit crimes and not be held accountable.

How did we get to this point?

In the book, a Peoples’ history of the United States Author Howard Zinn shows that time and time again the rich and powerful gain their monetary advantage through coercion, backroom deals and subjugation of the people and the environment to suit their insatiable desire to make more money.

Mr. Zinn explains that during the formation of the United States only the people who had land could run for government office or vote. When the people (black and white) who were poor started protesting child labour, unsafe working conditions and pay that did not allow them to live, the police, National guard and army beat and killed them. When this became unsustainable they used a different tactic.

Concerned that whites and blacks were lining forces against them, in most cases, they decided to separate the groups by paying whites and not blacks. When blacks were paid it was just a portion of what whites were paid. This helped create a class structure and a middle class which buffered them from the anger against their greed and created a separation which still exists today. It is ironic that so many people support a man running for President of the United States who is the poster boy for corporate greed and excess.That so may support and believe him is a testament to how effective the strategy of divide and conquer has been.

An objective review of the candidate for President of the United States, reveals one who has no qualifications and the other who is the most qualified candidate ever.If Hillary Clinton was a man with her accomplishments this ould not even be considered a contest.

People all over the world are tired of business as usual, Government as usual and life as usual. We live in a world that through our ingenuity and resolve has grown in a way that could sustain us all if not for the insatiable greed of a few.

If you are in the ruling class anything approaching equality seems life oppression.
We have continued a toxic teaching of what it means to be a man. Don’t be a pussy. Man up. I’ll give you something to cry about. Bros before hoes.

All the subtle and not so subtle ways we train boys to be men have created generations of men that don’t feel or have effectively buried their feelings.

Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Life is about balance. The balance between using and sustaining the environment. The balance between being strong and vulnerable. The balance between masculine and feminine.

Toxic masculinity/Hyper masculinity.

Our love of sports is a reflection of how we view our masculinity. We killed them. I am part of a men’s group whose purpose is to create a safe space for men to express their feelings. I’ve observed the immense release and growth over a very short period when we (men) allow ourselves to feel. Personally, I’ve learned and experienced the strength in vulnerability. We tend to think of being vulnerable as being weak, but it’s just the opposite. Feelings are not inherently feminine or masculine. It is part of who we are and without it, we’re just robots. That is what systems are designed to create. Our school systems were designed hundreds of years ago and while we have advanced in all areas of life, our school system has not. Schools were designed to indoctrinate us to follow orders and learn what we’re fold is for the betterment of society. But the betterment of society really means to benefit the rich and powerful.

To make a meaningful contribution really means contribute to the upper echelon of society that which we create so they can continue to feel superior.

We’re indoctrinated by TV and the news.

In the US Presidential race much is made about emails yet nothing or very little about one of the combatant’s seemingly real accusations of child sexual abuse. How can we accept the coronation of a man so clearly lacking any respect for over half of the population on the basis of their sex? It is only because as a society we’ve come to accept being male as superior to being female. Looking objectively at the roles of both male and female, apart from man’s superior strength, women possess by far more of the skills needed to create a harmonious society. Women give life, therefore, they are more suited to cherish and sustain life. Both have important roles to play and I’m not suggesting that one rule over the other.






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