Heart Open Men’s Empowerment
For years I’ve had the thought and feeling that life today is especially challenging for men, and while there are many women’s groups very few exist for men. Beyond the 12 step groups dealing with addictions there are few resources for men who want to live a more complete life. Men who are living according to how society says we must live yet feel the emptiness that comes from lacking and living our purpose.
I presented a couple of friends with the idea that we get together to discuss openly our life experiences and more importantly how we feel about what was happening in our lives. The group gradually grew and we now have a core of about 12 and another 8 or so that show up when they feel their life circumstances dictate.
The most amazing part for me is to see how much of an impact talking about how we feel can have. I’ve witnessed subtle and profound life changes. I’ve witnessed men arriving with the weight of the world on their shoulders and leaving by their own words a lot lighter.
We’ve learned from each other how to be vulnerable yet strong, how to live with open hearts and not be wimps, but most importantly how to be responsible, caring, strong and still embody the essence of manhood.
I invite you to explore this wonderful journey called life with me as we show the courage and willingness to embrace our light and our shadow. It is in our shadow that we learn and grow.
I especially invite men to explore and live from their hearts as well as their minds. Too many of us have been taught that being a man means not expressing our feelings. If we are honest we know that way of living doesn’t work. The Men’s page is designed in dealing with the issues men face and is called HOME which stands for Heart Open Men’s Empowerment.
Let us explore this life together supporting each other as opposed to competing with each other.
Anthony Fernando